The commitment factor

The commitment factor

In my years of coaching and training, I have always known the difference between lip service and commitment, which I guess sets me apart from others in my industry. Noticing the difference is not always that easy and sometimes people prove you wrong both positively and negatively.  Having worked with high achievers in business primarily, I could always tell their level of success had to do with their level of true commitment and the willingness to deal with fears, challenges and stumbling blocks.

For myself I also notice, when I am truly committed I will do whatever it takes, when I am not sure I do all sorts of great procrastination tactics in order to avoid dealing with the target achievement in mind. For example, until I have signed up for a marathon, training is a lot less of a focal point, but once the money is paid and usually also the fundraising kick started and word is out, the training commitment and finding the time to do it is also easier.

With the London Olympics coming up, I love watching the stories of potential winners and their commitment to their respective sports. I always dreamt of being part of something this big in some form or other, so I am still working on it. This time I will be in the right city at the right time, which is a good starting point, now it still is a question of where and how I can become part of it. In my coaching business I thought I would get there as a mindset coach to support the success mindset and eliminate the fears and I still hope to achieve this.

What I am committed to at this point though is to make sure I am off work and have the time to snif up the atmosphere and if serendipity comes together to be part of a team.Yesterday I ran a workshop for a team in our company and what struck me that everyone was committed to improving and pulling together, which was brilliant to see. The team in question is going through a difficult period and working hard to coming out the other positive end. It was clear that leadership wanted this and lead by example, the various team members at any given time had the option to opt out, but peer pressure actually had the opposite effect namely to opt in. It was fun to see and as a facilitator for change work shops, it definitely gives a great sense of satisfaction about being part of something bigger.When it comes to lip service, I have never had high tolerance levels and when I spot my own procrastination it becomes a source of frustration, which will trigger the inner driver to go and do something about it. I understand obviously from coaching different people that tolerance levels are different, but so is ambition and willingness to commit.

At times I had to bring my levels down to be relatable to clients and to help them to move forward from their perspective, I do believe I always managed to find a way to edge people towards their goals, however gently sometimes.For an overachiever learning to achieve gently, celebrating and recognising achievements as well as planning in down-time is essential. I have dealt and still deal with these the most and we usually understand each other from a deeper level, namely it takes one to know one kind of place. Hence I find it harder to relate to the cruisers and coasters, because that to me doesn’t come natural to me. At times I find it outright offensive, but it really is seeing the world through my glasses and not theirs. When it comes to encouraging them, I always have to find the great points they bring along and so far I have always found them, but also the understanding that their pace will be slower and may take more of a stop start approach. Momentum is always helpful, but what matters most is the commitment factor.How can you spot your commitment?

Well the answer is always in your actions, if you have a goal or something your really want to do and you are doing nothing to make it happen, then you know something is up with your commitment. You may well have good reasons, then the next steps are to find out what you will do and sometimes (overachievers) it is actually good to take more time in getting somewhere and other times (cruisers) it is better to take action to deal with the stumbling blocks or fears relating to your project.

Oh, and before I forget… commitment is in your head first, your actions are only the symptoms….

An Coppens